Monday, December 16, 2013

For Danish tourists: Not xenophobia but unjust

A recent storm caused massive flooding in Denmark. Over thousands of families lost their homes. Many will not be able to return to their homes but have to start over with their lives.

This is not a post where I want you to pity the poor people whose lives will be altered for the rest of their existence.

This is a post to warn tourists from visiting Denmark now where the entire nation is challenged by the elements.

Many people were warned in time and asked to remove their cars before the car would be victim to the flooding’s. Unfortunately for the car owners they police advised them to an area controlled by a private parking firm. Their lives will be destroyed forever because the greedy lawyers who work for the parking firms will follow the poor car owners until they die trying to get a huge amount in fines.

This could happen to you as tourist too. The private parking firms control larger areas of Denmark every day. Denmark is not so interesting that you should risk your entire fortune visiting Denmark and fall victims to these greedy firms.


Saturday, November 2, 2013

False lottery had connection to drug smuggling

A married couple won a lottery and their price was a trip to Canada. Unfortunately only the lottery was real. The managers of the lottery was drug smugglers who provided the couple with tickets and two new suitcases so they could be easily switched during the trip.

Now the authorities in Canada and Australia are not corrupt as we see in the middle east, Asia and lately in South America if you read the post last month on this blog. They were able to see that the couple were innocent and victim of a scam so they did not end up in prison for decades.

Be very carefully not to participate in competitions where the first price involve traveling abroad. Avoid third worlds countries and those parts of Europe like Spain and Italy where the crime rate is high.


Thursday, October 3, 2013

Update on tourism and Spain - assault on a Danish girl

A young Danish woman was assaulted outside a night club.

A group of young men aged between 20 and 24 was behind the attack which left her with damaged eye-sight. The interesting part is that the Spanish police are looking for a young immigrant from Morocco who is suspected to have left the country. A young boy who does not fit the description the girl and her friends gave.

Pressure seems also to have been put on the personal of the night club by the police. They changed their story from identifying a group of older men to the group which should have included the immigrant. We can only assume that the Spanish police for some reason see no interest in solving this crime. Was the real criminal a local man from a rich and influential family?

This case together with the case against the two so-called shows that Spain is no longer to be considered safe for tourists.

Not only are most modern people with various social network accounts where they publish almost everything regarding their life at risk if they travel to Spain due to the risk of blackmail.

The Spanish police itself do nothing to solve crimes committed against foreigners but to blame random poor immigrants as fall-guys. In the case against Melissa Reid and Michaella Connolly the police have according to our knowledge not arrested anyone from the nightclub to have them detained while they investigate the case. The Spanish Police is fully justified to arrest the entire number of employees and detain them for as long as they prefer and yet they have not acted.

In the meantime the British girls have been advised to plead guilty in order to avoid “accidents” in the prison and a promise of shorter sentence. The authorities in Peru are known to have a kind of arrangement with the drug smuggling industry where they get some smugglers handed in return of looking the other way when larger quantities are sent off at the same time. It is cheap easy earned publicity for the police to have them looking good while everyone knows that the crime against drugs are not working on any level down there.

The conclusion is that Spain is dangerous for visitors. Spain should be avoided at all cost. There are countries out there where they appreciate visitors and their money more, so why not travel to a destination where you as a tourist is liked?

Efter overfaldet: Jeg ser kun skygge (EkstraBladet - in Danish language)

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Warning against vacation on Ibiza

Two young British women were abducted on Ibiza and forced to travel to Peru so they could smuggle drugs.

It sounds as an invented story but the problem is that we live in year 2013 with social networks where even strangers can investigate family members and friends. Because the criminals are also operating internationally they can very easy arrange for a little traffic accident back home so parents, siblings and other extended family can be hurt if the tourists are not following the instructions from the criminals. If you while you were on Holiday were presented with photos of your nephews, siblings, parents etc. would you be able to decide whether the photos were taken from a social network, Instragram or Google Street View or the result of a person back home who has taken the photos when stress are added because they even put a gun to your head?

No of course not! You have to follow their orders!

Because police has become better catching smugglers, an operation are often done in group where the criminal masterminds expect to lose some of the drug mules. In this case they expected the two women to be caught so other smugglers using the same plane could carry drugs in larger quantities while the police were busy taking photographs of their catch for the media.

The real smugglers may not even be other passengers. In Copenhagen Airport a criminal group of baggage handlers were caught who operated with baggage handlers in other countries.

These girls were setup not when they arrived in Peru but the very minute they decided to leave for a holiday. Employees at the hotel would very easily be able to give contact information for every guest to the criminals so they can start to Google their victims and give the impression that they have been selected as drug mules after months of investigation. Remember that when you book a hotel or pay with your credit card, you give criminals a lot of information they can use searching for personal information about your beloved family members back home.

We are no longer anonymous when we arrive in a foreign country. Due to the Internet it is very easy to find out about everything not only about yourself but also about your family.

What can you do to keep yourself safe?

  • First and foremost - set all social networks of your entire family to private before you leave for holiday. In fact does it before you order the tickets because a recent case in Denmark proved that criminals were informed by employees at the travel agencies which houses were empty for certain periods. We don't know who employees at the travel agencies work with. We don't know who the employees at the hotel abroad work with. Don't become a victim by giving up any information in advance.
  • Second - avoid destinations where the criminals are known to work. Ibiza is such a place. Romania is another. They spike drinks so you can drink more putting your health at risk.
  • Third: If they get you, end your life or try so they get the impression that you are mentally instable. They cannot use a drug mule who acts out. If you are caught the prison standard will kill you anyway even if you get off with a prison sentence as short as a few months. Your family will have to pay for your protection inside the prison - even the food. The criminals have friends inside and if you have told anything but your name they will kill you and the police will not be able to protect you and in fact they have little interest in your life because they have got their 5 minutes of fame when they caught you.

There are no longer drug mules who do it for money. 10-20 years ago a lot of students saw it as their only chance to get their student loans paid. Recent studies have showed people that studying long and hard doesn't pay unless your social heritage allows your to get your education paid fully, so the dropout rate in Denmark are now 20 percent and it is just as the Danish Industry want because they believe that too many get their high school diploma compared to the jobs available. It leaves drug mules who are pressured into crime and because it is a lose-lose situation regardless of the choice people make it is safer to avoid traveling abroad at all and if it cannot be avoid then to set up precautions so you don't end up as a victim.


Friday, July 19, 2013

The Danish authorities recommend that you don't report a rape in Dubai

Dubai's time as a possible tourist destination has come to an end.

The Danish authorities has as a result of a rape committed against a Norwegian woman recommend that you don't report violent crimes and rape to the local police. Instead it is recommended to leave the country at once as soon as the doctors have patched you together.

The rape case involving to employees from a firm called THE One Total Home Experience. The rape victims reported the co-worker. As result she was jailed and later fired because the co-worker properly had a higher rank in the firm.

It is far from the first rape case in Dubai where the victims have been jailed instead of the attackers.

A English newspaper reports of at least 5 cases where their countrymen have been caught in a legal drama.

An Australian woman has also suffered the consequences of visiting Dubai.

We must state that visiting this country as a tourist is impossible because the legal protection lacks.

Whenever a country has rules against drinking which is something most tourists do to deal with the burden of speaking foreign languages which takes the toll of most people it is best just to stay away. Yes, they have nice beaches but that you can also find in countries like Spain and Bulgaria.

The Danish authorities has recommend Danish tourists not to report rape or assault to the police. It is possible the closest they can come to recommend that you don't visit Dubai at all.

Think about your security before you leave for a certain place. It can really destroy your life.


Thursday, June 27, 2013

New blog from International culture exchange

International culture exchange - an organization from Copenhagen - has started a Danish blog aimed at possible exchange students and their families so they can be given important advice in advance before they are caught up in foreign cultures and possible their justice system.

There is no doubt that wellknown cases like the cases involving Amanda Knox and Louise Woolward has shown the world that exchange students need to be lawyered up just in case.

International culture exchange has a website which is about 3-4 years old. The number of exchange students and host families in Denmark has been reduced if you compare with the situation 5 years ago. It shows that the work was important.


Tuesday, May 14, 2013

German invasion: It is a question about setting the correct price

The owners of beach houses in Blaavand - a small hamlet in the northern part of Jutland - reports of 15 to 20 damaged houses due to an old German tradition of invading Denmark in April as they have done since 1940. Of course the modern Germany doesn’t send soldiers to Denmark so they can rest like they did in the past. Today the modern German visitor is a student aged between 15 and 20, who enjoy our laws regarding soft non-dangerous alcohol with a percentage below 16.5 which can be purchased by anybody aged above 16.

Of course the large number of visitors takes its toes on the houses. Of course the presence of several hundred of foreigners put its mark on a small community. But we are not Prague. We knew what the kind of marketing we sold Denmark on would bring of customers.

So the houses will be rebuilt and if a local Mayor speaks of his community being unable to attract tourists there are many other Hamlets to choose among. Jobs are needed and the economy will benefit when larger number of tourists arrive.

As for the damages. It is only a question about setting the price so that possible damages can be covered.

Blåvand: Bureau melder om 15-20 beskadigede sommerhuse (Jydske Vestkysten)

Saturday, April 27, 2013

The royal Thai police strikes again

We have learned that two Danes are arrested for rape in Thailand.

We can only hope that the bribes necessary to deal with the case is paid quickly so they can return home to their families alive.

In Thailand the police is someone you have to regardless if you are innocent or not.

On Wikipedia you can read about a 15 year old Danish boy who was extorted when he fell victim for someone who wanted to claim injuries from his boat. You can also read about a man from Canada who was shot dead by an off-duty police officer. The police officer claimed that his gun misfired 3 times. The poor Canadian man did not get his wallet on the table fast enough.

Thailand is a dangerous place if you get the attention from the authorities. Please pay them quickly or your health could be at risk.


Sunday, March 31, 2013

Gay Mills, Wisconsin is not a place for exchange students

We have received reports about a case where a 17 year old girl had her stay as exchange student in Gay Mills, Wisconsin terminated because she had consensual sex with a boy of the same age.

In Denmark it is legal for two persons aged above 15 to have sex with each other. It is a Romeo and Juliet law because a person aged above 18 can be punished if the partner is below 18. But the fact is that the laws in Wisconsin are very similar to laws seen in the Middle East. Short to say: It is not a safe place for Danish Exchange Students to study.

Beside the middle age laws about relationships the state has no proper schools. Having asked the Danish department of education the answer is that credits earned in any school in Wisconsin cannot be transferred to Denmark to the huge difference in the quality of education. The Danish school system is simply too advanced compared to the so-called schools they operate in Wisconsin.

The exchange student agencies who arrange these stays in Wisconsin should stop their traffic because it puts our students in a dangerous position. In fact it also endangers the local youth because they risk registration as sex offender the rest of their lives just because they had sex with a partner aged the same as themselves on a consensual basis.

The two companies which are involved in this case are the US-based CETUSA and the Danish company Explorius. Please stop using them until they have made a press-release where they announce that they would no longer send Danish Exchange Student to state where the age of the exchange student is below the age limit for consensual sex.

The two firms must either comply or we will start a campaign to ensure the safety of our students. This case must never be repeated.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

India stops Danish tourists

It has been reported that Danes who want to choose India as destination for their holiday should consider otherwise.

The authorities in New Delphi have intervened against the humanitarian tourists who enter India to spend a mixture of a holiday and aid in India. Typically they volunteer for a number of days in group homes or hospitals.

But the recent extradition case of a Danish humanitarian has brought attention to this form of holiday and has angered the central government in New Delphi who believes that they govern a modern state. New set of rules has prevented many of them from entering India. Tourists are recommended to find other places where their aid can be useful.

Continued aid to the general population who unlike the political elite up in New Delphi suffers disclose to the world that India is poor undeveloped country which should not have been allowed to exist from the very start.

Fact is that India is founded on violence and has been expanding on violence. When the British had saved the population from the Japanese attacks during World War II they wanted out and the states that had been the core of the peninsula for centuries were given 3 choices.

  • They could join the India central government being governed by the political elite in the central government.
  • They could have their own independent state.
  • They could join Pakistan as an alternative.

States like Junagadh, Hyderabad, Bilaspur, Bhopal and Travancore were forced to become a part of India. In 1960 India suddenly attacked the areas Portugal was negotiating to transfer to India. Peaceful talks and negotiations have never been something the central government in New Delphi has been used to.

So we are talking of a non-democratic state (proven in Danish court 2012 as part of the extradition case) which believe that they had a role to play in the international community. Even neighboring countries like Ceylon had to endure their interference. They were however taught a lesson by a freedom fighter named Thenmozhi Rajaratnam.

The aid given by Danish tourist is an embarrassment for the central government. That is why Danish tourists have been targeted. It doesn't matter much. In fact Denmark would not suffer if trade between our countries would be brought to a full stop. In Denmark workers from India has only brought suffering and hunger as when they provided cheap labor in the CSC conflict. For young Danes their interference have resulted in a lowering of students seeking jobs inside the information technologies sector as they would not be able to feed their families for the low salaries the outcome of the CSC-conflict has resulted in.

There is a general concern that other third world countries which concern themselves very little of the wellbeing of their population would walk down the same path as India. Denmark has a large industry dealing with human-aid projects in the third world. Bribes which are necessary to be in that area results in kickbacks to the Danish industry who sells luxury goods to officials and politicians. Jobs could be at stake.

For the Danish tourists this situation could open their minds for aid to Danish citizens who has been suffering by the removal of early retirement and cuts in students grants. The time for aid abroad made by ordinary citizens has come to an end. The Danish population who are among the people in the world who are suffering at most could really use the help and aid from their common citizens.


Thursday, March 14, 2013

The Niels Holck case: Here we go again

For some reasons the central government in New Delhi wants the Danish author and humanitarian Niels Holck extradited. In order to help the population in a remote part of India called West Bengal he was approached by a Danish businessman who acted on behalf of the British Secret Service and the central government in India.

They were not happy with the present government in this particular state. They killed local citizens and because the operation Holck was a part of failed, West Bengal continues to suffer from low Human Development Index level, substandard healthcare services, a lack of socio-economic development, poor infrastructure and political corruption and civil violence. The population has no work morale and engages in strikes all the time.

To make the operation a success the Indian radar monitoring the borders between Pakistan and India was shut off. We are talking of a border between two countries that have been in war several times. Why take such risk unless you know what kind of plane which will pass the border.

When the delivery went wrong the authorities had no choice but to order the plane down and arrest the people involved. Then the interesting question is: How did Holck escape? Fact is that the central government in India knew of the paper trail in Denmark. They just couldn't kill him off. So they aided him out of the country.

So why are they trying to get him extradited now, when they helped him back then?

Because in New Delhi new people are in charge. The butchers in the Ghandi family have been killed off by martyrs representing citizens who have been attacked by the central government and the present government does not want a new Ghandi in charge. Could they prove that people placed high in the administration had aided Holck they could get some of the old supporters out.

So if it is just a question about domestic politics why am Holck not safe in India?

Because there are supporters of the old regime in the prison system. No prisoner is safe if the individual gives India a bad name. Just look at the high profiled rape case which brought headlines in every corner of the world. It was a case the government didn't need because it also gave coverage on the general viewpoint of women in India. Women and children in India are dying every day because they are accused of witchcraft. Yes here in the new millennium this is still ongoing.

The main suspect in the rape case was put in the most secure prison in India in a special unit where he could be protected from other inmates and he was under special observation from the employees.

Suddenly he is found dead. Suicide they say. But there is not a single person who doubts this ruling. We all knew how damaged India's reputation was due to this rape. Not because some men raped a woman. It happens in every country. No, the case was an embarrassment for India because people didn't help the woman.

The government had to catch some random people and get them hanged so they could show the world that justice had been done. If some of the suspects happened to have an alibi they had to secure that they were silenced.

The same goes for Holck. What he knows is dangerous for some of the old members of the central government. Holck's knowledge could decide who will win the next election. They will silence him for sure before the trial could come to an end.

That is why Holck never should be extradited to India.

But shouldn't he be prosecuted?

Of course he should - in Denmark!

We need to teach our children that they should not concern themselves with the conditions in the third world. Aid to the third world is a matter for governments and the industry. It is a question about politics and trade. It is not something about who is starving.

When Danes do crimes abroad in third world countries it has been a custom to smuggle them home to Denmark and convict them hard. An aid worker has some unhealthy relationships with children in Madagascar. He was sentenced in Denmark because the courts in Madagascar didn't have the quality to secure a correct sentence.

Fact is that the courts in India also lack the quality to handle such a high profile case. If they really want him to testify, then let him be convicted in full public in Denmark so they can get the ammunition for their next election.

India am talking about making it harder to conduct trade between Denmark and India. Is that not a threat?

Not exactly. They will make it harder for Danish tourists to spend some of their holiday aiding the poor the government down there doesn’t care about anyway. We will write about that later this month.

And as a lot of Danish workers know, we could live without Indian strikebreakers. Remember the CSC conflict. Here secured cheap labor from India hunger in Denmark. The actions of these strikebreakers meant the education in Information Technologies is wasted for Danish youth because they would not be able to earn a decent salary once they leave school and seek work.

There is nothing lost if outsourcing to India will be stopped. Our only problem would be where to put our worn out ships and where we can import pesticide products to our farmers from. Such products need to be produced in area where none would bother if chemicals slips out into the surrounding areas but this problem should be something we should be able to solve.

What does ordinary Danes think about this case

We as Danes are tired of the Niels Holck case. Living in a superior culture with a justice system with a standard beyond any system in the rest of the world this extradition case is hard to understand.

India needs to understand their place in the world and to be put into place. No what the consequences the Danish government needs to stop fooling around and make it clear that our courts have spoken. They have condemmed the system in this third world country. They should ignore any communication from India. In years to come the interest in this case will die out and perhaps some day India will come to the conclusion that they need to go some distance before they can be considered to be a real democracy our part of the world would respect.


Saturday, March 2, 2013

Once again Danish tourists are unfairly targeted in France

Six high school students were unfairly treated by a hotel in Val d'Isère. Complaints who were not documented led to them being thrown out of the hotel where they were staying.

The travel company Nortlander was of no use and it is not recommended to use such a company. More in general purchase of good from France and travel destinations should be considered very carefully as a general dislike of Danes and our values. For the last decade Danish tourists have tried to act more like British tourists who due to size of their once so widespread empires have the experience in visiting foreign cultures.

But there are small communities which are hostile forwards tourists. It is basically xenophobia. France is slowly becoming such a place. It is not clear whether it is the raising retirement age which is the cause but it could very well be the case. The population down there has not known struggling and they have been able to retire almost a full decade before the workers in other European countries. The retirement age in all of Europe is about to be harmonized but they still miss some years before they reach the same retirement age as in Denmark where it is 67 years. It seems that every year they are pushed result in violence and strikes.

The laziness of the people in France is almost a legacy and now they are taking their frustration out against innocent tourists. It would be better to stay out of France until they have been taught to work as hard and as long as people in the rest of Europe.

Gymnasieelever smidt ud af skiparadis - truet med knipler og tåregas (BT)

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

New legislation will curb binge drinking holidays

Fact is that countries with less developed alcohol culture have difficulties housing Danish tourists - mostly youth tourists - who have been educated in partying by reality series like "Paradise Hotel" and "The Kings". Our parliament has been concerned by the lack of responsibility from Travel Agencies, foreign Hotels and authorities who by use of aggressive marketing has sold various destinations as the perfect destination for a binge drinking holiday.

The new marketing laws will ban use of photos with partying or happy youth if the expected target group is below 18 because smiles and joy is considered equal binge drinking.

The cost of these changes in legislation will be loss of estimated 500-1,000 jobs within the travel industry, but if Denmark keeps 10,000 youth from leaving the country for an entire week jobs is expected to be created in other businesses. Secondly the risk of ethnical polluting will also be lowered. Ethnical polluting has caused a rise in crime in Denmark for the last 20-30 years so the outcome of the laws could be positive.

For some of the travel destinations youths have used the laws means that re-branding is necessary. Countries like Bulgaria and the Czech Republic which have sold themselves as binge drinking destinations will lose their business entirely and will have to start over with their marketing.

The laws brings Denmark a unique chance for our country to raise a generation who are less influences by foreign cultures leaving them to be influenced by our superior culture only. While 10,000 students will lose out of traveling abroad starting year 2014 the long-term consequences look bright.


Saturday, February 16, 2013

Camilla Broe awarded DKK 701,362.11 in compesation

Camilla Broe who was cleared of all charges after she had spent two years in prison in both Denmark and the United States was awarded DKK 701,362.11 in compensation for the time spent in Danish prisons while she was waiting for her extradition case to be solved.

It has turned out to be a hard lesson learned for the Danish society when corrupted authorities abroad fabricate charges against Danes. The department of justice should have read the charges and should have reached the same conclusion as the court in Miami ended up doing a year later.

But somehow they managed to do an absolutely poor job translating the charges to Danish.

The case had widespread consequences. When India approached Denmark so they could get the author and humanitarian Niels Holck extradited the court knew in advance that foreign authorities in general lie so they decided that no extradition could take place to India. A country like Nigeria who likes to try a Danish journalist who has exposed their corruption decided no even try having the Journalist Mads Brugger extradited because the viewpoint of court system in Denmark has been known in other countries.

Due to the fact that she originally entered the United States as an exchange student her case also caught the attention of adviser organizations for parents considering sending their children abroad for a year abroad. She became an icon like Amanda Knox, who was framed for a murder by a prosecutor convicted of abusing office and Louise Woodward convicted of a murder many years back but was cleared by the advancement in forensic research.

The compensation does only cover her time spent in Danish jails. If she wants to receive compensation for her time spent unjustly in the United States she has to sue them over there. Unfortunately conducting a case in that country demands a lot of money she doesn't have, so it would be unlikely.

We must all hope that this long saga in justice is over. The lessons learned are that if you want safety and a fair court system where you live then you have to remain in Denmark.


Friday, February 15, 2013

Prague is a violet place for tourists

News about arrests and attacks on Danish tourists has reached Denmark. The country which has seen better times when it was a part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire lacks obvious security for Tourists. For the last decade the city has been advertised as a party capital due to lack of culture and points of interest leaving the only option to market it as the place to party 24-7.

For many parents it might seem just as safe to let the children party in Prague as in parts of Copenhagen like Norrebro known to be a place where you can be killed just 10 minutes after arriving to it like an Italian tourist experienced some years back. But remember that the police don't speak Danish down there. The use of ethnical profiling which have lowered crime the last 10 years in Denmark is not used to the advantage of the children down there.

It seems that the tourist industry has no support from the local authorities. It puts the entire business at risk and a choosing the Czech republic and Prague as holiday destination might be too risky in the future.


Thursday, January 31, 2013

"Andreas Las" in Israel

A Danish protester was subjected to violence from an Israel officer. It was caught on camera.

This is not an anti-Israel blog. It is blog which only have the safety of Danes in mind.

Of course it is hard to imagine what a Dane did there in the first place but we have to remember that this cowardly act of violence took place before the trial against Niels Holck reached its conclusion.

Back then youth in Denmark felt that they had an obligation to interfere with matters in the third world because they originate from the highest and most advanced civilization in the world. It is clear that there are problems in a lot of countries and that the population is either too lazy or too unskilled to deal with problems on their own.

So why not help and aid them?

What the Niels Holck case told us is that even acts which was legal at the time in Denmark can be judged criminal if the political climate changes. We saw it under World War II. Danish freedom fighters were executed as terrorist. They were condemned by prime ministers like Vilhelm Buhl in 1943 and later praised by the same prime minister in 1946. So there is no fine line between an aid worker to the third world and a terrorist. In general we as Danes shouldn't care about matters abroad regardless of how much hunger and turmoil there is in these countries.

So the Danish peace protester shouldn't have been there but his misguidance has to be accepted because the ruling in the Niels Holck case had not been set at that time.

Still it was an act of a coward. Maybe the military command should discipline this soldier because his actions is now seen as typical level of conduct to expected by their authorities and certainly nothing which would boost tourism to Israel.


Friday, January 11, 2013

Mariam Rasmussen in Israel

In the Danish newspaper Politiken a mother published a story about her 19 year old daughter who was held back by the immigration authorities in Israel when she tried to enter the country for a 6 week long holiday.

The daughter was subjected to violence and humiliating act during her short stay in Israel before she was deported. The Danish embassy was of no help due to our strong business connections. Orange import is important for Danes who lived in a harsh climate where many people are hit by illnesses during the long winter and because the military in Israel act harshly against the heathens they are kind of admired by the general consumers in Denmark. Most consumers would choose Jaffa oranges when they can pick between several kinds of oranges in shops.

But why was a 19 year old student with apparently no connections deemed as a national threat against Israel?

Maybe because she wanted to volunteer in areas Israel has occupied.

It is not what the mother writes in her article. She seemed to overlook the lesson we have been taught as result of the Niels Holck case. Danes should not aid or in any way support the third world on private basis. As some properly know the Danish author and humanitarian Niels Holck has been unfairly accused of terrorism by India. Nevertheless it is a government matter or a matter for large organization which have the means to bribe officials in order to ensure a smooth and efficient distribution of aid.

Second Danes who have commented the article seem to doubt whether the mother and daughter have been christened as most Danes. Were they heathens and was this the cause of the harsh treatment in Israel?

We don't know that. For us among me who believe in the Norse religion we would like to believe that Israel like Denmark accept heathens. However ethnic profiling has been used with success by the Danish police regardless of how criticized the method is. But we don't think that the immigration authorities in Israel dislike Danes in general.

Should tourists visit Israel with this incident in their minds?

It is a hard question to answer, but I have to say: NO

What is terrorism as of 2013? It is just a matter of a list and who holds office in various countries. The freedom fighters of today can be a terrorist tomorrow and you could share name or gender with some who is a terrorist and become the victim of mistaken identity.

So people should avoid traveling to Israel.

Source (In Danish)
Min datter blev ydmyget og slået som turist i Tel Aviv (Politiken)