Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Positive news but improvements can be achieved

Positive news has reached us during this winter break. Fewer students – only 900 compared to 8,000 the previous years – have chosen to go to Prague. The in general xenophobic population down there did send a message to tourists stating that they were not welcome in their town.

Still – 900 are too many. This number needs to be dropped so the students can party in Denmark where the taxation and the revenue from the sale of alcohol will benefit the Danish citizens and the industry which produce it. It is really a question about maintaining the employment rate.

Hopefully 2016 would be the year no Danish student will go abroad. There never was any cultural or internationally benefit from these trips. The marketing material provided from the Hotels showed a country without nothing other but pubs, bars and disco parties too offer. It was that culture which sold the Czech Republic and it proved to be false marketing.

It is kind of sad that the 900 students will experience a bad week but it is with these trips like Nigerian scam letters. There will always be some victims. It is question about informing the consumers hoping to make them aware of the dangers but you will never reach them all.

These years with many students abroad will result in a political reaction later this year where the Danish voters will be asked to enter a closer relationship with the European Union regarding police work and extradition processes. The shameful process where some students were sentenced to pay for damages despite the fact that they had escaped the Czech Republic has resulted in a massive outrage against any closer co-corporation with the European Union. It seems that something good would come from the ordeal the Danish students have been put through down there.

But for now we will just enjoy the fact that the Danish students will buy Danish when it comes to spending money on their winter break.

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